Hutan Besar, so many things makes me feel so tired these recent days. One of them is that I found myself pay too much attention for the haters. Yup! A group of people (girls) whom I'm living with become a hater club of me. Sometimes I cry because I feel like I can't handle them anymore. I feel like stuck in living life. How should I not care about them? I live between them. I can't get why exactly they hate me the way they do. So I try to breakdown the possible reasons that can make my mind stop thinking and caring about them.

I know they hate me because I have things that they don’t. Maybe it is the award I got in national level, my skills, my friends out there whom are extra-ordinary way much better than them, or it might be every pair of cute shoes I bought, my lovely vintage dresses, my new tattoo, my books or my life in general. I possess something they don’t and that upsets them. Because they realize that life can be unfair, and that some people can have things or do things in life that others can’t. Perhaps they even desire what I have but don’t quite know how they can achieve those things. When haters can’t figure why they lack the things they lack, or how they can get the things they lack, they become very angry individuals. To help themselves cope with this sense of frustration, they hate. This is how they deal with their feelings of inadequacy and inferiority after comparing themselves with others, by putting it on me. Or it maybe cause they think I don’t deserve it. They look at my fame, my popularity, my friends, my achievement, etc., and think that I am not worthy of these things, because they are only looking at things at surface level. They don’t care about the hard work I had put in behind the scenes: my sacrifices, my worries, my fears and the pains I’d gone through. Because they are superficial like that.

Next, maybe because they have nothing better to do in life. And I should take pity on them, really. Because for them, besides stalking other people’s Facebook seven hours a day, sit together and talk about nothing  but gossip, they really don’t have much else to spend their time and energy on. The lowest of them think too hard only to write long hate sentence criticizing me and post it to socmed. All these activities may give them that moment of achievement in life. Or perhaps they don’t even really dislike me this much. They just like hating on other people. Hating others has become a lifestyle for them. LOL. I can only wish them the best, because their life just ain’t as great and exciting as mine.They are unhappy with some things in their own life, and they try to make someone else unhappy too. They want to pull me down to their level of unhappiness. They want me to be disturbed and not have peace. If they can’t enjoy their life, they make sure I can’t enjoy mine too. Haha. They just need to put someone down to feel good about themselves.

Haters are only jealous people, exactly. They curse and wish for my downfall because they want me to lose the things I have that they don’t. They see life as a zero-sum game. They think, perhaps if I lose a couple of friends, they could gain some for them. And if they can’t have the things I have, they rather I do not have them at all as well. They are basically pretty fucked-up human beings. In the end, I just can say that they are, in general, just losers.

So for you loser girls who hate me in every second of your life, I just wanna tell you: from now on I DO NOT CARE! 
Love me, I will always be in your heart.
Hate me, I will always be in your mind.

PS. Thank you for always motivating me in your way. And I'm sorry for making your time wasted on me. :))


  1. If you meet them, just say, "So long haters. See you in my next level of achievment" ;)
